Web Enumeration


Firstly interact with the website and ask yourself:

  • What language is the app written in?

  • what server software is the application running on?

  • What does the application do?

  • What is the technology stack?

  • etc.

The browser's dev tools can help [also, the Wappalyzer extension can help recognize technologies].

Look for a sitemap like robots.txt and sitemap.xml.

Some sites ship with remote administration web applications, for example /manager/html [Tomcat] and /phpmyadmin [MySQL]. Try to log in with default creds.



A good scanning tool for catching low hanging fruit. Very noisy!


Directory [and DNS] busting. Rumored to be stabler and faster than dirbuster and dirb. Usage example:

gobuster dir -u <URL> -w <wordlist> -c <cookies> -x <file extentions>

Last updated

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