08 - leg

The Challenge

Daddy told me I should study arm. But I prefer to study my leg!

Download: http://pwnable.kr/bin/leg.c

Download: http://pwnable.kr/bin/leg.asm

ssh leg@pwnable.kr -p2222 (pw:guest)

The Solution

Our input needs to equal to the sum of the three key functions.

To solve this one some knowledge of ARM Assembly is required.


The return value of key1 will be the value of pc at 0x00008cdc, which is 0x00008ce4. Yes, pc points two commands ahead.


r3 contains the value of pc at 0x00008d08 plus 4, which is 0x00008d0c. It is poped onto pc at0x00008d0a, but doesn't change the execution flow as it is the address of the next instruction. Later on the value of r3 is used as the return value.


The return value here is the value of lr, which is the return address of the function. That be:

Final Input

The solution is the addition of these three values in decimal representation.

Last updated